Sunday, December 12, 2010

If you are an OBGYN candidate about to take your OBGYN Oral Boards in January 2011, ABOG just released the exact date. ExamPro plans to be by your side in Dallas just before the exam wit their Mock Oral Course.

Taking the OBGYN Oral Boards in January – Announcement “Hot off the Press”

If you are an OBGYN candidate about to take your OBGYN Oral Boards in January 2011, ABOG just released the exact date. ExamPro plans to be by your side in Dallas just before the exam wit their Mock Oral Course.

For more info:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

OBGYN Mock Oral Teleseminar Nov. 28 With ExamPro

The candidates asked Dr. Schamroth to conduct a few more Mock Oral Teleseminars as they really appreciate the last minute review before their exam in early December. He explains in detail how to defend their cases in a way that gives them control over the next questions to be asked. Tune in now

The subjects discussed during this MOCK Oral were:

  • Amenorrhoea
  • Premenopausal adnexal mass
  • Recent updates (GBS, HIV in the GYN patient)
  • Oral exam technique

Tune in for one more teleseminar on December 12 as once again, Dr. Schamroth “Tackles the Tough Cases.”