Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Price Of Makena's PreTerm Birth Drug Is Too Expensive For Pregnant Moms

Ther-Rx, the makers of Makena, have come under fire for the pricing of this product. Makena (hydroxyprogesterone caproate) is an injection used for the treatment of preterm birth in women pregnant with a single baby and have a history of delivering too early.

Unfortunately it is hugely expensive and this has produced a public outcry which has involved politicians, as well as, medical organizations including ACOG.

A quote from Makena's website, "Ther-Rx Corporation is fully committed to helping ensure that every woman who needs Makena (hydroxyprogesterone caproate injection) will have access to it. We know how important Makena is to the thousands of mothers who are eligible for this therapy. We understand and share the public's interest in ensuring that every mother – whether insured or uninsured – who needs the medication will be able to access it in an affordable manner."

ACOG has adopted a position supporting the reduction in the cost of this drug. The matter is still fluid and we can expect further announcements in the near future

Sunday, February 20, 2011

ACOG and FDA Agree That Terbutaline Cannot Be Used Beyond 72 Hours

ACOG agrees with FDA that Terbutaline, for the prevention or treatment of preterm labor, cannot be used beyond 72 hours. It could result in maternal cardiac disease and even death. Be able to comment on this on the OBGYN Oral Board exam. For more:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

ACOG Prefers Hosiptal Births

ACOG just released a Committee Opinion (February 2011, #476) on the subject of Planned Home Births. This is considered to be exam relevant for OBGYNS preparing for the Oral OBGYN board exam. Go to